شبكات الحاسوب
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أنظمة تشغيل
تطوير الويب
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علوم الحاسوب
تطوير الذات
Origins of algebra | Introduction to algebra | Algebra I | Khan Academy - كورسات
Origins of algebra | Introduction to algebra | Algebra I | Khan Academy
ترتيب الدرس : 2
الدرس السابق
الدرس التالي
The beauty of algebra | Introduction to algebra | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:10:07
Origins of algebra | Introduction to algebra | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:18
Abstract-ness | Introduction to algebra | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:00
Introduction to the coordinate plane | Introduction to algebra | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:11:22
What are variables, expressions, and equations? | Introduction to algebra | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:06:55
How to solve equations of the form ax = b | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:11:06
Solving a more complicated equation | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:08:41
Introduction to solving an equation with variables on both sides | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:08:53
Algebra: Linear equations 4 | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:39
Algebra: Solving Inequalities
المدة : 00:06:26
Algebra: graphing lines 1
المدة : 00:09:50
Algebra: Slope and Y-intercept intuition
المدة : 00:08:37
Algebra: Slope
المدة : 00:08:28
Algebra: Slope 2
المدة : 00:09:46
Algebra: Slope 3
المدة : 00:06:23
Algebra: Equation of a line
المدة : 00:06:46
Slope and Y-intercept Intuition
المدة : 00:05:54
Averages | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:08:37
Integer sums
المدة : 00:09:56
Taking percentages | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:56
Growing by a percentage | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:43
Percent word problem example 1 | Ratios, rates, and percentages | 6th grade | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:06:18
More percent problems | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:05
systems of equations
المدة : 00:09:58
Introduction to ratios | Ratios, proportions, units, and rates | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:14:13
Ratio problem with basic algebra (new HD)
المدة : 00:05:12
More advanced ratio problem--with Algebra (HD version)
المدة : 00:09:58
Alternate Solution to Ratio Problem (HD Version)
المدة : 00:07:02
Introduction to Ratios
المدة : 00:07:28
Advanced ratio problems
المدة : 00:09:58
Age word problems 1 | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:14
Age word problems 2 | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:57
Age word problems 3 | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:04:10
Level 1 multiplying expressions
المدة : 00:08:00
Solving a quadratic by factoring | Quadratic equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:12
Introduction to i and imaginary numbers | Imaginary and complex numbers | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:05:20
Calculating i raised to arbitrary exponents | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:06:21
i as the principal root of -1 (a little technical) | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:06:45
Complex Numbers (part 1)
المدة : 00:10:10
Complex Numbers (part 2)
المدة : 00:08:58
Introduction to the quadratic equation | Quadratic equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:15
Quadratic equation part 2 | Quadratic equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:14
Completing the square
المدة : 00:13:45
Quadratic formula (proof) | Quadratic equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:34
Quadratic inequalities | Polynomial and rational functions | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:49
Quadratic inequalities (visual explanation) | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:53
Introduction to functions
المدة : 00:09:34
Functions Part 2
المدة : 00:09:54
Functions (Part III)
المدة : 00:09:15
Functions (part 4)
المدة : 00:06:08
Domain of a function | Functions and their graphs | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:59
Proof: log a + log b = log ab | Logarithms | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:09
Proof: a log b = log(b^a), log a - log b = log(a/b) | Logarithms | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:59
Proof: log_a (B) = (log_x (B))/(log_x (A))
المدة : 00:07:27
Algebraic Long Division
المدة : 00:10:22
Introduction to conic sections | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:10:58
Conic Sections: Intro to Circles
المدة : 00:09:04
Conic sections: Intro to ellipse | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:14:15
Conic sections: Intro to hyperbolas | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:13:34
Conic sections: Hyperbolas 2 | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:30
Conic sections: Hyperbolas 3 | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:10:29
Identifying an ellipse from equation | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:11
Identifying a hyperbola from an equation | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:11:28
Identifying circles and parabolas from equations | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:11:34
Foci of an ellipse | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:13:49
Foci of a hyperbola | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:15:24
Proof: Hyperbola foci | Conic sections | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:14:50
Partial fraction expansion 1 | Partial fraction expansion | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:11:28
Partial fraction expansion 2 | Partial fraction expansion | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:13:02
Partial fraction expansion 3 | Partial fraction expansion | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:10:35
Parabola Focus and Directrix 1
المدة : 00:14:31
Focus and Directrix of a Parabola 2
المدة : 00:18:28
Two Passing Bicycles Word Problem
المدة : 00:05:39
Passed Bike Word Problem
المدة : 00:05:54
Passing Trains
المدة : 00:09:07
Overtaking Word Problem
المدة : 00:09:52
Early train word problem | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:08
Officer on Horseback
المدة : 00:08:54
Rational inequalities | Polynomial and rational functions | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:11:49
Rational inequalities 2 | Polynomial and rational functions | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:13:15
Interesting Polynomial Coefficient Problem
المدة : 00:16:16
Geometric series sum to figure out mortgage payments | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:17:36
Introduction to function inverses | Functions and their graphs | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:06
Function inverse example 1 | Functions and their graphs | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:06:44
Function inverses example 2 | Functions and their graphs | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:13
Function inverses example 3 | Functions and their graphs | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:35
Direct and inverse variation | Rational expressions | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:54
Recognizing direct and inverse variation | Rational expressions | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:07:05
Recognizing odd and even functions | Functions and their graphs | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:12:25
Connection between even and odd numbers and functions | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:04:08
New operator definitions | Functions and their graphs | Algebra II | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:06:50
Proof by induction | Sequences, series and induction | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:23
Alternate proof to induction for integer sum | Precalculus | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:03:32
Setting up proportions to solve word problems | 7th grade | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:05:51
Converting repeating decimals to fractions 1 | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:04:03
Converting repeating decimals to fractions 2 | Linear equations | Algebra I | Khan Academy
المدة : 00:09:06
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